Kreative Generations Programs

Our Thematic Areas

Enhancing key developmental issues within the organization’s activities and partnerships

KREATIVE GENERATIONS works as an innovative, inclusive and participatory art-based organization, targeting marginalized and disfranchised young people as an entry to the wider community.

Behavior Change

Dedicated to mobilizing young people and helping them to identify their potential, by supporting them to come together and learn from one another, exchanging ideas and experiences

Economic Empowerment

Poverty is a contributing factor to almost all developmental challenges: Illiteracy, environmental issues, gender-based violence, among others. It is difficult to contain these challenges without incorporating strategies that can lift individuals and their communities out of extreme poverty.

Innovation and Arts

The arts most important function is to stimulate creativity in problem solving. Creative and visual art challenge students’ perceptions about their social environment and themselves.

Education / Learning

The right to education is a fundamental human right. Education is highly prized as a key to improving life and advancing national development. We work with pupils and students in all educational institutions, integrating all developmental areas of focus within primary, secondary and colleges/universities.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)