Otto Benecker Foundation Projects


From 2015, 2016-2018, and 2020-2022, Otto Benecker Foundation engaged youth-based support programmes aimed at promotion of sports and talents and life skills on health topics. Livelihoods for teen mothers aimed economic independence. Youth aged between 10-24 years were actively involved soccer training programmes that improved psycho-motor skills, life skills and provided psycho-social support spaces. 1570 adolescents in Mathare and Dagoretti directly underwent soccer and life skills training. They accessed education scholarships, vocational training in painting, cookies and cake making, soccer and theatre, life coaching, psycho-social support and start-up kits for livelihoods.


The Pollination Project

 2015 (USD 1000). 120 teen mothers received livelihood skills development and soccer trainings in Dagoretti and Kawangware.

Coca cola foundation

-2017 (9000), 150 adolescent girls directly underwent talent development and school fees scholarship programme

Child Rights and Violence Prevention Grant:

(USD 3000) 2019 for Planning of the Adolescent Girls’ Power Project

Upcoming, Child & Violence Prevention Fund:

(USD105, 000) -2023/2024, 600 adolescent girls are expected to be reached in the upscaling of AGP programme.

Barclays bank challenge fund

2016 (USD. 12,000) 150 girls underwent talent development and received school fees kits, for advancement of education.

Barclays Bank Fund

-2018 (USD 6000), 150 adolescents underwent talent development and school fees support for education.

Child and Violence Prevention Fund grant:

(USD105, 000) – 2020-2022, 600 Adolescent Girl’s benefitted from the life skills and health trainings in the Power Project

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
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(10am - 05 pm)